Simply Jesus – Power, Wisdom, and Worship

Simply Jesus – Power, Wisdom, and Worship

The contrast between the kings from the East and king Herod couldn’t be more drastic.  We will see that it is their perspective on power and authority that will determine how they respond to the birth of the King of kings. 


  1. The gifts aren’t for Jesus’ birthday – but for His kingship 
  2. The Jews already had the evidence for Messiah’s birth, but they weren’t interested
  3. Those threatened by Jesus will scheme against Him
  4. Those who seek simply Jesus will worship Jesus
  5. Those who seek simply Jesus are led by God
  6. Jesus is to be worshipped not because of what He said and did, but because of who He is 


  1. If you live for your own power and authority, Jesus will be a threat to you 
  2. If you live under the power and authority of man’s rule, Jesus will be a threat to you


  • If you’re serious this Christmas… ask yourself where you still resist God’s authority? 
  • Look, seek, and search, & follow simply Jesus