Baptism Sunday at Lake Eddy

Baptism Sunday at Lake Eddy

The practice of baptism in the church has been from the beginning a practice done in obedience to Jesus’ command for how we are to make disciples. It symbolizes the scriptural truths of washing, death, and new birth, and it identifies us with Christ and with His people.

Today we celebrated the baptism of 6 of our worshippers here at Grace. Although the mode of baptism has been varied throughout the ages, we took the opportunity of our church picnic at Lake Eddy to wade down into the water and take the plunge. In a very yooper fashion, Lake Eddy is located at the Sagola Sportsman’s Club, and each candidate entered the chilly water with the shooting range firing off rounds in the background… seemed like a veritable 21 gun salute with each immersion.

With the church crowded around the shore, each Christ-follower made their public declaration of faith with one step in front of the other to enter the water in personal obedience to Jesus’ call. For their faith this was a real appropriation of God’s free gift of grace as seen in baptism to wash away the old and stand anew, now with the rest of God’s people, in unity and oneness of mind and Spirit. Even little Josh Jr. was surrounded by his family and baptized by his grandfather, being welcomed into the church family to grow under our mentoring and accountability as he learns to walk by faith.

Special thanks to all those who participated in today baptism and we rejoice with all the candidates as those who also daily cling to God’s grace!