JH “Pizza-Lock-in”

JH “Pizza-Lock-in”

Our 2017 lockin was held on March 24. We had 16 students attend and we were grateful for Angie Mattson, Chastity Alexa, and Amy Schultz for helping supervise. Our group made 230 pizzas in 2 hours and all money raised will be going to the Children’s Church project. Our theme this year was “Candy is sweet but God’s Love is even sweeter.” We learned that twizzlers are tied in knots just like when we worry but when we put our trust in the Lord he takes away our worries.- Matthew 6 25-35. We also covered mints, tootsie pops, and milk duds. We learned that no matter what, God knows us and gives us what we need. The night was technology free so no cellphones, ipods, etc. We made it all night without 1 complaint. What a great night of games, karaoke , and fellowship! The kids did an amazing job and each year I am reminded how the Lord has blessed us with such respectful, wonderful kids. A big thank you to our church family and friends for their support in this event! God’s love is certainly Sweet!!