Grace to the Dominican Republic – 2022 Missions Trip

Grace to the Dominican Republic – 2022 Missions Trip

It was a year in the planning, and through much prayer and God’s provision and graciousness our entire team from Grace made it to the Dominican Republic and back having both invested our lives in the work and ministry at Freedom International, and having our own lives changed forever!

The work at Freedom consisted mainly of 3 areas (1) Construction on the campus, (2) English Tutoring, & (3) Running Vacation Bible Schools [a bible lesson, songs, crafts, and games] in the small villages that they call Batays. Each day our team would split up into the preferred activities and maximize the time we had to serve in our various capacities.

The trip had its challenges, but through the prayers of our church back home and all our supporters, God changed every challenge into something beautiful for His glory. Perhaps the most obvious lasting result from the trip was that 21 signed up to go a year ago and 21 went. This team has continued to pray for each other and serve each other long after the plane landed in the US.

There is so much more that could be said about this trip. This was our church’s very first international missions experience and each and every person came back to Sagola having their eyes more opened to God’s love that transcends national and cultural boundaries. We look forward to seeds planted for future trips and continuing to live off the fruit that was grow on this one! Thank you to all those who helped raise the funds and pray for us for this week of service.