Monthly “Quarantine Meal”

Monthly “Quarantine Meal”

As our time practicing social distancing continues we nevertheless have the opportunity to help feed our community. Although we always take the normal sanitary procedures in food preparation, we are all the more vigilant to remain 6 feet apart and wearing masks and gloves, all in the name of serving our Lord by serving our neighbors.

This month’s meal had potatoes donated from St. Roses and generous preparation from a couple of volunteers. We served the same number of meals as last month, and took just an extra minute when possible to ask the folks in their cars how they were coping with the quarantine. Most said that it was going ok, and they were making adjustments – but all of us hope that this will soon be over. We might have to start calling this a monthly “Quarantine Meal” instead of a Community Meal!

Till then we will continue to look for creative ways of being our Lord’s hands and feet. Special thanks to all those who helped and served to make another month’s “Quarantine Meal” a success.