Drive-In Easter

Drive-In Easter

With the coronavirus keeping our community on lock down, we needed to become creative in how we can gather together for the biggest day of our Christian calendar. How can we gather together yet remain separate: the answer, a “drive-in service”.

One of our main goals was to collect food for our Food Ministry and that is always easier to do when our folks are attending worship. So, we moved the service time back 15 minutes so that everyone had ample time to adjust to the parking lot changes and drop off their donations.

Once we began the service was run over our hearing assist transmitter and each vehicle could simply tune in on their car radio. The Easter worship songs were: I Serve A Risen Savior and Christ The Lord Is Risen Today! Although pastor Ryan sang alone in the building, everyone was joining in inside their own cars. The children had a special craft for the Children’s Message that was a downloadable pdf, there was a live trumpet solo for special music from the church steps (followed by peals of car horns in applause), and the service concluded with a virtual-easter-egg-hunt that you could do over your smartphone: link to the game HERE.

The best things about this service was the simple fact that it allowed our church to gather again. However, drive-in services are still no adequate replacement for our regular fellowship, yet it was so uplifting to see one another again, and visibly know that we are not alone though this pandemic. Thanks to everyone who participated in Easter worship.