Update to Coronavirus & Covid-19 Pandemic

Update to Coronavirus & Covid-19 Pandemic

Amidst these days of unfamiliar trials and fears we continue to ask that God will draw near to us and ground our faith in His Word and promises.  To that end, we prayerfully uphold our community, country, and world through this pandemic, remembering specifically those who are sick and dying and for those working in our Healthcare Services. 

Our original timetable for pausing our regular gatherings was until April. Then per the Governor’s Stay-Home orders, until April 14th, and now per the White House’s extension of quarantine through the end of the month of April.   

Thankfully, Governor Whitmer has permitted that religious places of worship can continue to operate, and the orders from the Attorney General are: “A place of religious worship is not subject to penalty under section 3 of Executive Order 2020-11, but under the Stay Home, Stay Safe Order, it is required that all individuals who leave their home or place of residence must adhere to social distancing measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including remaining at least six feet from people from outside the individual’s household to the extent feasible. 

Therefore, in our ongoing efforts to collectively encourage preventative-participation in this global crisis, we will keep our normal ministry schedule suspended until the end of April, at which point we will reevaluate again according to the recommendations of the CDC and our government officials. 

During this abnormal Easter season, I am reminded of Paul’s words while in chains and under house arrest:

“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David.  This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal.  But God’s Word is not chained. Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” 

We too, therefore, will endure — for God’s word is not quarantined!  In light of the optimism of Easter I have a few exciting opportunities to pass on to you. 

  1. Food Ministry Drop-Off: The church building will be reopened for Food Ministry drop-off ONLY on Easter morning, April 12th.  We will have volunteers at the doors ready to receive anything you’re able to donate.
  2. Easter Books: The books “The Case For Easter” are still available at the church for our corporate encouragement to stay focused on the hope of resurrection during these difficult days.
  3. Drive-In Church Service: We will be gathering on Easter morning, April 12th @ 9:15am at the church for a “Drive-In Service”!  This gathering will be strictly from the confines of your vehicle habitat and will be a 30-40 minute service ending no later than 10am.  Please bring your Bible, your own cup of coffee, and a heart of joy for this creative gathering as we plan to take every precaution in celebrating our Living Lord!
  4. Giving: As I have had many of you ask about giving, we want to stress that you keep your gifts in proportion to your ability and only give as you’re able to do so cheerfully during these financially difficult times.  Bonnie has requested that you mail in your gifts to our church’s Post Office Box: PO Box #9, Sagola, MI 49881.  The “Drive-In Service” Sunday morning on April 12th will also provide an opportunity to give.
  5. Prayer: We will have an updated prayer list as well as new individual prayer-cards available on the 12th, so that we can keep current as we normally would throughout the month.

I want to thank you for all your many efforts to stay connected though phone calls, cards, and texts.  Thank you for your care to your “Circle” and thank you for taking the time to read through all we are endeavoring to do during this crisis.  

Remember to quiet your heart during Holy Week and connect with your family as you are able.  Observance of Good Friday and the traditions of our church are now your responsibility to practice from your heart.  

And while it may feel like you are “chained up” in your house, remember God’s Word is not chained.  May we find the continued health of our community as led by those whose minds are governed by the gospel and whose hearts are willing to endure these days with creative worship!

Pastor Ryan
Sunday, April 5th