Good Friday

Good Friday

On a day of traditionally most somber worship, we were blessed to be together will the rest of the North Dickinson churches as the Mission Covenant Church in Foster City hosted this year’s Good Friday Service. Although a traditionally sorrowful moment for the church, we found that the uniting with fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord to be a most joyful moment on this day that we call confess as “good.”

Pastor Kyle gave an inspiring sermon revealing the immeasurable love of God shown in Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet. And not just of the faithful, but all the disciples, including Judas. How very difficult to imagine the love that Jesus demonstrated in the humiliating cleansing of the disciples’ feet, and a great reminder of His love shown to us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Special thanks to the saints at Mission Covenant Chruch, and to all those who spent the evening worshipping together in remembrance of Jesus sacrificial death on the cross for us.