Small Group “Bahamian” Cook Out

Small Group “Bahamian” Cook Out

We praise God for the strengthened relationship we’ve all enjoyed over this past year through our small groups.  To finish out the year with a celebration, we all met at Pastor’s house for an authentic Bahamian BBQ, with genuine recipes and culinary practices garnered from the Caribbean. 

We had barbecued ribs (cooked over casuarina pine) and chicken thighs (made “chicken-in-a-bag” for those who know that reference), homemade coleslaw with Caribbean spices, “Spanish-Wells” macaroni and cheese, “Weinburger’s peas and rice, and “Billy Stubbs” carrot cake for dessert!  (and specially imported just for the ex-missionaries: VitaMalt!) 

Along with the Bahamian “jams” going on in the back ground, we enjoyed a great night of fellowship and it was the first time that all of the various small groups got together in one place.  With our extended break through the summer, it was nice to have a final celebration of our Christian community together.  Now its on to soccer season, vacations, and fishing!