Fall Festival Partnership

Fall Festival Partnership

This year’s Fall Festival and Trunk-or-Treat was held in conjunction with the Channing Beautification Committee and Township. With original plans to host the event in Channing, the weather decided not to cooperate and last minute changes placed the event back in Sagola at the old Township Hall. And it was a good thing too, because the weather was entirely unpredictable with sleet and light flurries with temperatures right at freezing. Some might say perfect for a Yooper-Halloween, but quite chilly for the little princesses and ninjas.

The Channing Beautification Committee and Township did an amazing job at handling the last minute location changes, and they put on a fantastic event with free food, concessions, giveaways, raffles, prizes, games, live music and more! Special thanks to all those who participated in the festivities to help make our community a fun, safe, and enjoyable place to live!