Weapons Against Generational Strongholds – Part 1

Weapons Against Generational Strongholds – Part 1

Everyone has a story for how sin has affect their lives through their parents or grandparents.  We pass down a lot of things to our kids, but unfortunately, they’ve also inherited a sin nature from us as well. 

The temptation when encountering those generational strongholds is to depart from God’s grace and turn again to our own abilities so as to fix that which we find broken.  However as we will see today, we must evermore learn to embrace our new calling into the family of God by His working through Jesus Christ and not by our efforts. 

Generational Strongholds

  1. Predisposition – bias, bent, tendency
  2. Consequential – costs, by-products, repercussions
  3. Learned – monkey-see, monkey-do, examples, models, patterns
  4. Inherited – sin nature, depravity, fallen
  • Do you have any struggles in common with your parents or grandparents?
  • Are you living with any present day problems as the result of the sins of your family?
  • Can you identify any sinful behaviors that have been perpetuated down from generations to you or your siblings?
  • Can you identify any temptations that have no origin in your family, but seem to spring out of the blue?

1. Your identity is in Christ 

  • Outward: You belong to a new lineage
  • Inward: You have a new Spirit

2. Your inheritance comes from God  

Warfare: What are you wearing? 

  1. Don’t wear your own “works” as righteousness
  2. Clothe yourself with Christ