Masterclass: Ephesians – A New Household

Masterclass: Ephesians – A New Household

The most important subsection of the church is the family.  In fact, the family is the most fundamental unit of all of society – this is why it is under constant attack by the forces of evil.  In Christlike fashion, the answer to such an attack isn’t in kind, but rather victory is won with Godly submission. 

Observations: Christ gives us the repair manual for the cursed household 

  1. Christian submission is an act of love
  2. Christian submission is obedience to the Lord
  3. Christian submission is a witness to the gospel
  4. Christian submission is an act of worship


  1. There is nothing more critical to society and the church than the family
    – church = family of families
  2. There is nothing more crucial to the family than the husband-wife relationship 
  3. Biblical submission is evidence of the control of the Holy Spirit
  4. As witnesses to the transforming work of the gospel, we must worship God by submitting our relationships in obedience to His design as an act of love

Submission to Christ as the Head will require unique submission in your relationships

  • Find your role and practice submission 

Proverbs 9:10

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”