Life with Jesus: Marriage – Oneness

Life with Jesus: Marriage – Oneness

When God made the human creature, he instituted a covenant relationship by which they would join together in serving as His image bearers. This covenant is called marriage.  Although our world today has many perspectives on the subject, the scriptures are crystal clear about the nature of God’s design for oneness between a man and a woman. 

Christ leads husbands in oneness by modeling love for the church

Observations & Conclusions:

  1. A wedding creates a new identity and is actually 2 funerals
  2. As Jesus cared for the church, men caring for their wife  is caring for their own body
  3. A husband’s love for his wife affects her heart while a wife’s respect for her husband affects his ego
  4. There are 3 fundamental parts that make up a covenant:
    A. Transcendence – means that God is in charge
    B. Hierarchy – is a chain of command
    C. Ethics – includes: rules, sanctions, and continuity


  1. Align your marriage within God’s covenant
  2. Remember and put into practice God’s two simple rules: Love and Respect
  3. Claim your access to the inheritance and power of Jesus’ resurrection